
Looking back

Here’s where the deciduous magnolia trees/blooms were three years ago on this day; the buds are not this far along this year…and there’s a cold snap coming.


Once upon a time, this was a busy business, I’m sure. Now: nothing (beyond graffiti tagging).

With populations, demographic analysts may talk about central places, that is: places with clusters of residents. I’m thinking there are business central places, too. This one is a has-been, a now-unbusy business. Also, this is what cycling looks like.

Sunday events lead to Monday adventures

A line of storms came through about 4:45am…very hard rain and wind. When daylight came, we saw two big trees down in our back yard, but not on or (I think) threatening a structure. Noontime, we had a tree guy out assessing the situation. We’re on track for tree “extraction” beginning tomorrow morning.

Image: another close-up from Georgia O’Keeffe show we saw yesterday at the High.

Look; look, again

Flower center.

Georgia O’Keeffe: White Flower, 1929.

White Flower, super contrasty, altered. The “grooves” that section the petals are interesting; I didn’t notice them standing in front of the painting, although they are plain as day. Instead, I noticed the subtle shading of the colors…yellows, blues, blue-greens…and the background in the upper corners.

Thanks, MSM, for suggesting this High adventure.

Sooooo bright

The moon was bright this morning, even just after 6am. Clear and cold.


The “possible five inches” of rain turned out to be about two-and-a-half, which is far less…dangerous. Even more exciting: the sun came out almost all afternoon.


Night squirrels

It really doesn’t look like it, but this is a night shot, from a few minutes ago. My guess is that the unbroken drippy cloudcover is reflecting the light back and back again, so the sky isn’t dark? Goodnight, squirrels.

Umbrella n boots

Today’s precip was on the misty-moisty end of the spectrum. The prediction I hear for the next two days is deluge…perhaps five inches.


I’m celebrating being awake at 9:30pm. Woohoo!

I was out

Time-change drowsiness got me, and I flaked out just before 9pm, with a brain that was half-asleep by 8:30. Adjusting sleep-wake schedules is tougher than upping reps.