Take a peek
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Windows are pretty amazing. And relatively modern. Glad I don’t live, at least part of the day, in a window-less structure with dried mud walls. Anyway, glass…so good.
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Windows are pretty amazing. And relatively modern. Glad I don’t live, at least part of the day, in a window-less structure with dried mud walls. Anyway, glass…so good.
Wednesday, 4 December 2024
It turns out I sometimes (often?) make a trap for myself. You see, I select a photo and get it ready to post, then set it aside to wait for words, an idea…that part. Then, I can forget I need to actually do the post…and whoops, like tonight, I zipped back downstairs to find words and make it happen. Goodnight!
Monday, 2 December 2024
I like this hazy reality, achieved by shooting/looking through a dirty window, and also I was enjoying a lovely albeit chilly dawn a-breaking.
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Two possible interpretations: 1) it’s a stepping stone; or 2) it’s almost 2025, just one more month to go, and let’s hurry.
Clearly, I’m no comedy writer.
Thursday, 28 November 2024
A cat and her toys; she didn’t play with any of them while we were there.
Wednesday, 27 November 2024
I present (household) infrastructure in recognition of today’s early-voting (very institutional, and supporting of infrastructure). Runoff election: one person/office. I think there were eight officials ready to check us in, and more by the voting booths/ballot machines…and no other voters besides the two of us.
As I moved along, I discussed T-giving plans and cooking obligations with the ladies. I thought the best story was from the voting machine attendant who said she had seven sisters and they were doing everything but the institutional-sized container of mac-cheese she was making/bringing.
LSS = long story short (intended sarcastically)
Friday, 22 November 2024
Something about the pallets and the diamonds of light made this for me. And the pipe. And the scrolls in the chair backs. Plus the shade of blue of the wall and the horizontals of the bricks. Also, the messiness of the detritus on the painted concrete below. There ya go.
Sunday, 17 November 2024
The word history traces back to the Greek, where its meaning required investigation/inquiry and research; it wasn’t merely story telling. History also has a context (social, cultural, temporal, etc.), and, sometimes, good luck figuring that out.
Apologies for the two-day delay in posting….
Saturday, 16 November 2024
It was so very pleasant outside this afternoon that I took El_Laptop outside and felt the sun on my face as I typed and browsed and watched the leaves fall.
Wednesday, 13 November 2024
One month ago I found this beauty on the beach. It’s prettier than the leaves we raked today, so I decided to reach back for a pretty. You can imagine the leaves (none of them from maple trees).