Numbered days
Sunday, 10 November 2024
Meet the Arc de Neon II. The original was broken by TreeFall I, so we’ve had Arc II for years.
Sunday, 10 November 2024
Meet the Arc de Neon II. The original was broken by TreeFall I, so we’ve had Arc II for years.
Thursday, 7 November 2024
I nearly forgot to blog this evening. Guess why? [Nothing to say [especially about current events], in essence.]
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
I saw this fading pot of mums and thought 50–50, 50–50 blooms and dried blooms (with plenty not quite either). Today is a nationwide 50–50, approximately, before the polls closed. After the count, it’ll be no longer 50–50, at least based on the electoral college (almost typed collage 🤣 ).
Monday, 4 November 2024
I am edgy, worried, and tense. My blood pressure must be elevated. I’m going to Think Pink, and hope for increased calm.
Sunday, 3 November 2024
I’m so glad that most of our devices are reset automatically. What I worry about is my body. This time 🤣 it was totally unexpected. I slept right to my “usual” wake-up time, which of course was an hour later. This nearly never happens.
Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Doesn’t this look like it might be a whole universe thinly coating this leaf?
Saturday, 26 October 2024
My spidee sense says a time change looms, and this lovely evening light will be sliding back…and our dark mornings will be lighter…that’s the flip side…. Impossibly, I’d like more light at both ends of the day.
Thursday, 10 October 2024
My pre-coffee outing was to gauge the first frost. There was just a teeny bit on the ground, but the roofs sported a goodly amount—I’d call it a light frost. See that lower right unfrosted area? That’s above where our pillows are…it shows a serious lack of insulation!
Today’s headliner was a hike to the shore of Lake Superior…partly along the North Country Trail.
The lake was placid, much calmer than the other day.
See? That rock is the east edge of the Pictured Rocks.
On a more macro level, look at these grey fungi!
And these orange hued ones.
My-o-my did we return to the cottage (an hour-plus drive) all creaky. And hungry…ah, leftovers!
Tuesday, 1 October 2024
Yesterday’s golden sun gave the dock extra pizzaz.
Today’s sunrise sun was obscured, and the dock removed for the winter. [Sigh.]
Later, the sun porch lived up to its name, and became a comfy dining room.
Sunday, 29 September 2024
We finally got out from under the cloud cover associated with Helene, and had smooth sailing under blue skies…very pleasant. We crested a hill, and Eden was marred by a fog-belt. Turned out it was right over Sturgeon River, and when we cleared the valley, we enjoyed unbroken blue skies again. 😎
We dined this evening on a spring green salad with chunks of smoked whitefish…surely five-star dining for this part of the world. The orchard grasses are browning out, but the trees remain overwhelmingly green, with some brown-orange tinges.