
Or should the title be where’s the mare? These golden horses are at the (south) Kentucky Welcome Center on I-75. I have no idea where mom went.

To explain the title: we’re northbound (again), to leafpeep and eventually close the cottage for the winter. We waited out Helene in ATL, then got on the road this morning and ended up driving into the storm, now just a lot of rain and a few gusts and general windiness—too much rain by far some places. Mostly, we could just motor along, wipers keepin’ time.
Posted at 8:28 PM |
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The storm did hit us, lots of rain and wind gusts (the former gone; the latter still somewhat active). We were lucky; it was far worse elsewhere. We didn’t lose power or internet, and we long ago perfected hunkering down. This solitaire with mahjongg tiles was part of my personal hunkering arsenal.
Posted at 11:08 PM |
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I titled this showoff grass, and that’s about the extent of my “creativity” at the moment. G’night.
Posted at 10:25 PM |
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Most recent binge-watch: “La Grande Maison Tokyo” (fiction). Tonight’s binge selection: “Lost Treasures of Rome” (science/NatGeo).
Posted at 7:39 PM |
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I just read (okay: skimmed) a WaPo article by Andrew Zaleski that describes a new operation for people with knee cartilage problems. Surgeons put a pellet of calcium carbonate derived from coral exoskeletons (yeah, the reef kind) in the bone. Over time, the pellet is absorbed and the body makes a gooey substance that acts rather like real cartilage. It’s a fast operation, albeit with a different recovery curve than knee replacement. Zaleski describes two other new approaches with good results.
I’ll try to remember this. Right now my knees are okay (knock on wood), but they have had issues, and I baby them frequently.
Date: 17 Sept 2024. Title (that I saw online): Not ready for a knee replacement? You might be able to fix your cartilage instead.
Posted at 10:06 PM |
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We heard that we should anticipate a deluge this afternoon. This became revised downward to…variable low-level precipitation—and what actually happened was…less (shall we say). So, we strolled the park, focusing on this…phalanx, we deemed it.
Posted at 10:01 PM |
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I can get mesmerized by patterns.
Posted at 10:25 PM |
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I’m so happy with these cool mornings…60s before 9am…lovely for a stroll/walk/jog/outing.
Posted at 9:19 PM |
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My NIL is nil. Well (duh), I’m not a college sports figure, so of course it’s nil.
This topic and the terminology springs from reading Joe Drape’s and Allison McCann’s article “In College Sports’ Big Money Era, Here’s Where the Dollars Go” in the NYTimes, dated 31, Aug—although I just found it today. BTW, NIL stands for name, image and likeness, if the acronym isn’t in your everyday vocab.
Posted at 8:43 PM |
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Striding along under this lovely, towering magnolia, a high branch dropped a leaf that landed on my hat. It was not a small leaf, and it landed with a small thud. My neck is fine; I just shook that floral debris off and continued my walk.
Posted at 7:10 PM |
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