
Watching reality arrive

We heard that we should anticipate a deluge this afternoon. This became revised downward to…variable low-level precipitation—and what actually happened was…less (shall we say). So, we strolled the park, focusing on this…phalanx, we deemed it.

Change a’coming

Here’s proof of autumn. There are colorful Asclepias species, like this one I’m guessing, that are not uncommon in gardens. I’m more attuned to A. syriaca (most likely), which however important to monarch butterfly caterpillars, is less commonly cultivated.

Note that winds from Francine will be arriving over the next 48 hrs, and I’m sure these floss/filaments soon will be lofting seeds widely in the neighborhood.

Happy feet

I’m so happy with these cool mornings…60s before 9am…lovely for a stroll/walk/jog/outing.

So salubrious

I sure enjoyed the below average temps this morning. Plus overcast. Both contributed to a super-pleasant walk, in contrast to the above-average temps and stunning humidity of, what? (I exaggerate)—the last six years??!! 🤣🥸😇

No QR code

We had another of those fabulous mornings of ground fog paired with a colorful dawn sky…great while sipping fresh, hot coffee.

Foggy morn

The fog layer makes the lake look endless.

In the field, the fog obscures the midground.

I have not noticed the ground fog this dense all summer.


Window green

I just went outide and our thermometer indicated it was 88°F. My app indicates 84°F. Either way, it’s also darned humid. But, no Debby rain—whew.

Lucky ATL

We’re on the edge, or perhaps just outside the edge, of the Debby storm. If you have heard “slow moving” think about what happens if strong rain…keeps…raining…and…raining…accumulating over a foot, and well over a foot in some places…and the topography is flat flat flat. Here, however, we have some increased overcast…(we’re getting off easy). I keep wondering if it was, say 1888, and some people were good at reading the sky and temperature patterns, etc, would those talented folks have idea what was happening just a couple of hundred miles away?

Are you brat?

Dunno if one can judge one’s own brat-ness. Now it’s morphed into demo(b)rat, I’ve read. Pardon me, I’ve gotta go study up on Charli XCX lyrics and the meme-world.

BTW, it was rainy all day, with a few breaks of drippy grey. The rain barrel had surface bubbles, which I never remember seeing there before.

I used the noir filter on this shot. I don’t remember ever using a filter on a shot I’ve posted here before. It’s a visual reference to today’s sunlessness. Unfortunately, the noir takes away the iridescence. So much of art—and life—is trade-offs.

Drops do accumulate

Redbud leaf after rain

Around here, June was a bust for rainfall…we received close to zero-zilch. The last four days have more than made up for that deficit and launched us most of the way to our July average to boot.

The tough part is that it is darned humid outside (outside meaning: beyond the air-conditioning).