
Archaeo Lab

John’s been periodically scanning old slides and dumping the images into iPhoto, for my delectation and for archiving, and I today I poked around and found this picture of the long-time Archaeology Lab from the second floor of Baldwin Hall (yes, at UGA). The lab was eradicated when the cultural hegemony decided that an ecological focus to the Anthro Department was new, hip, and the way to go. Their supreme ignorance was that the archaeologists had been doing this since, oh, at least the 1950s, and way before if you count Kroeber, never mind that the department was established by archaeologists!

This is also by way of mentioning a new blahg by Mouse, who’s in the midst of Freshman finals (I think), supervised by Emily the goose. She (they?) has had several recent interesting anthropological observations, and I missed commenting on one of the best recently when I was in impoverished wifi conditions while in temporary residence in rural Ingham County.

Sorry I can’t get the caption to work for the modified Google Earth image I found on the web: thought it’s pretty darned neat! Here’s where it came from….