
Even at something like 8:30 this morning, the ground fog made the terrain quite pretty. You can also see the surface ups-and-downs since The Farmer (also of Chelsea) bush-hogged the miscellaneous woody growth and milkweeds that were infiltrating the good grass.
We also heard through the gardener grapevine that this morning some low spots around Newberry had frost overnight. Yes, in August.
* No, not really….
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Sorry for the lousy picture, but this is all the proof there is that today we made a test batch of applesauce from the early trees SW of The Grove. They have good color and very few worms, so were pretty easy to process. And, yes, that brilliant pink is the real color!
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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There’s been so much rain around here that when we were out berrying yesterday, I was amazed by the tiny fungal specimens that formed a wee understory beneath the blueberries and brackens.
Today has been rainy and windy, and Mom would say raw, so I insert a yesterday-picture for your delectation, lacking any worthwhile fresh ones from today….
Posted at 4:19 PM |
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Attentive readers may remember that I mentioned the fires north of Newberry in 2007. Fires in this area mean the blueberry plants will be extremely productive upon recovery. We picked and picked the bounty produced by those fires two years ago….
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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We saw many sweet-ferns amongst the bracken ferns when we drove around the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, then through the Refuge itself. We also saw trumpeter swans and a muskrat and a snake.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Of the many things we did near the Fox River, Kingston Plains, and Grand Marais, the headliner had to be walking out to Au Sable Point Lighthouse under a glorious cloudless sky. Very few skeeters, too!
On Gitchee Gumee, readmore here.
Posted at 10:22 PM |

I forgot to mention that yesterday when we went out for our test-drive at dusk to road-check the new radio, on the way back we saw this pair out in the field just north of us. I suspect these are the ones we’ve been seeing and hearing, although they were quiet last night. Most of the night was windy, and the weather’s changing today, with rain coming in the afternoon (meteorologists claim).
Points to Radio Man for getting the lawn mowed ahead of the precip!
Posted at 2:05 PM |
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Radio Man demonstrates victory over technology!
The Explorer (now officially classified by the US Govt as a Clunker—ugh!) is now outfitted with a lovely after-market radio with hi-def AM and FM, two different iPod jacks, including one that powers the iPod, or can accept other devices. I think the only part of the New Instrument’s controls I understand is how to change the color of the display—there’re 31 flavors, uh, shades.
Posted at 10:22 PM |

This morning, not too early (thankfully!), we joined the clean-up crew at the reception hall. Then, afterwards, those of us who did not have to depart for points distant were treated to more food (of course), this time lovely streudel, cookies, and the like, tempered with some of the left-over feta dip from the wedding dinner, as we joined the bridal party for a bit of the present unwrapping. This extra-long package with the most elegant newspaper wrapping and bow caught all of our eyes and we beseeched the Bride to open it. John guessed the contents correctly: a hammock. Wonderful!
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Here’s proof that the sky cleared for the (outdoor) wedding,* just as the Bride had requested.
…a lovely heartfelt ceremony that brought tears of happiness to many of us…the right couple united on a gorgeous day….
* The eldest daughter in the Hunter Gatherer family found her match in a Fisherman-Gardener who also looks terrific in a kilt….
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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