The future today
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
We paired pie with gifties for a young man whose b-day will be here soon, but he and we will not be together when the happy day arrives.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
We paired pie with gifties for a young man whose b-day will be here soon, but he and we will not be together when the happy day arrives.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Our persistent volunteer tomatoes are back, and we’re hoping for more of the golden pear mini-tomatoes from these (as you can see, they’re already blooming). This year, we also have some Thai basil that came back all on its own.
I added three pepper plants (various variants), a regular red tomato, Italian basil, and oregano, all from the Lowes nursery collection.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Xinomavro is a Greek wine grape, similar, the web says, to bordeaux or barolo. (Can you tell we ate tonight at a Greek restaurant? Great fun!)
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Nice assortment of grocs, and a sandwich counter. One employee, no evidence of customers. Sign said local produce. I saw two avocados, and thought local, um, has a flexible meaning. Perhaps?
Friday, 18 May 2012
Is it cruelty to put two dozen or so archaeologists in a windowless room on a gorgeous day for most of the afternoon? The saddest thing: we didn’t use the AV equipment (which is what needed the lack of light) at all.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
The wind’s a-flurry and the TV meteorologists are showing maps with electric green and yellow and orange, and there’s talk of hail north and west of us. Hopefully, it’ll stay in someone else’s back yard, and not shred our azaleas—which are abloom in round two for this summer.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
I am trying a new weed control system. It took us a while to obtain the raw materials.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
At least two ways to take that title, if you know that JCB recently found those nuts in the bottom of a box that was squirreled away in a closet somewhere in this house.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Several days ago I thought I noticed that Google was giving me quite different results when I searched for journal article titles. Today’s online wanderings confirmed it. I’m guessing JSTOR and others wrangled this? Or maybe there’s a transitional phase at the moment, with few pages returned? G-Scholar is effectively eviscerated.