Friendly or fighter?
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Love outdoor statuary you can walk right up to. Thank you, Booth Museum.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Love outdoor statuary you can walk right up to. Thank you, Booth Museum.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
D and I agreed we know this as a maidenhair fern. Wikipee lists dozens in the maidenhair genus, from around the world. Seems like this one is probably a Northern Maidenhair Fern, alternately Five-Fingered Fern. HOWEVER, photos on reputable botanical websites don’t all show this arc of fern-leaves that seem quite diagnostic to me on plants identified to this species. Ah, in-species plant variation….
I find this pattern utterly eye-catching.
I tromped to the “bottom” of Cloudland Canyon today, then did a stretch of the West Rim Trail—and back in both cases. Fitbit gave me a stunning 108 floors climbed (about 8 and a smidge feet of ascent each) and a confusing 0.0 (that is, zero) minutes of being “very active.” Hrrrumph.
Monday, 28 April 2014
Saw a “new” trillium today—meet the trailing trillium (Trillium decumbens). We found it, along with many other spring wildflowers, on the Shirley Miller Wildflower Trail, in The Pocket (Pigeon Mountain).
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Found this flower in a planting next to a sidewalk several weeks back…. Don’t know what it is.
Seems like the outside world had plenty of stories this weekend. Me: couch potato (more or less).
Time for an adventure…despite the weather predictions.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Several times I’ve heard people compare the net-neutrality issue to a highway with express toll lanes (if I have it right).
I think the public library (here, anyway) makes a better comparison. Either you have a card—and access—or you don’t. There may be non-kid materials, but otherwise…you have access.
Of course, I just discovered the other week that the NYTimes has “premium” content you have to pay extra for. They’ve gone for the tiered thing…the best of capitalism in action!??
Friday, 25 April 2014
Here’s a backlit flour fleur. The tempo and tenor of my day were at the backlit level. If that makes any sense.
Thursday, 24 April 2014
I should have taken a photo about 15 minutes earlier, when the late-sun was back-lighting the petals. Still, it’s a fine and lovely iris.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
I lived out in the country when I was a kid, and when I read about alleys I wondered what they were like. I didn’t know even if there were many alleys in the US of A, or if they were mostly in Europe.
Then I found out about alleys too narrow for vehicles, and even more dripping with mystery than the usual garbage-can-and-stray-cats alley.
This one is light-filled and pleasant—especially during a rare lunch-out expedition (not counting our Easter picnic).
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Ritual food behavior, judging from comparative studies, runs the gamut. As far as unleavened bread, around here, we just go with water crackers. No matzos. No hosts. Sometimes Triscuits (or Triscuit-like specimens).
Our crackers…are more sentimental than sacramental.
Monday, 21 April 2014
Years ago, I got this plant from the Bot Garden, when they used to have an annual sale (which they haven’t had for years). I have been snugly pleased (without any research) that I have a Cherokee Rose. And, for many years, I not captured photos of the blooms.
This year, a photo! And a blog post, to boot! And a quick WikiPee check…and I discover…that Cherokee roses are…
1. From Asia.
2. Invasive.