
Pretty darned rainy until later in the day. I did go out and try to find a mystery iPhone bracket that screws onto our tripods. That’s when it changed from strong drizzle to pure rain. Lucky me, eh?
Didn’t find the bracket…so, yup, Amazon….
Posted at 10:51 PM |
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I tried not to think much today, not about the festivities in another city, but about the outcome and implications.
Mostly I managed to just become boring.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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We made an important citizenatious* activity downtown…amongst the big tall buildings…revolving around Republican-promised changes in the ACA (what’s the replacement plan? what happens with the current funding monies?) and a big ol’ thank-you to John Lewis. We’re in his district and it’s a fine place, jes-sayin.

The Guru found us a charging parking spot—still had to pay for parking…this is what the charging station window looked like right after the juice started flowing…. We got “free” charging for 90 days with the New Car…trying to make good use of it….
* Trying out a made-up word….
Posted at 9:59 PM |
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Lotta family talk around here over the last 24 hrs…due to a visit by my second cousin (gotta get that right!), an avid genealogist.
Tomatoes sometimes spark remembrance of long hours canning tomatoes, which always meant a steamy, hot kitchen on a day that was already steamy-hot. We started early, usually about seven, meaning my dad had already been out picking—which meant a very early day for him.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Ginkgo tree in streetlight.

Ivy tracks on a sun-face.
Posted at 9:43 PM |
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Somebody had this joke up on a sign that we saw during our FL run recently, and it’s stuck in my head, so now it’s…here.
I met Mr. Right and married him. Then I discovered his middle name was Always.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Do you prefer the green and living plant?

Or the dried castoff bud?
The first is some kind of yucca; the second, I think, is in the Araucariaceae family.
Posted at 9:16 PM |
1 Comment »

Turns out a waistcoat is what I’d call a vest. And an everyday business suit is really a type of lounge suit.

Tadah! Last night we started watching “Wolf Hall.” I wonder how many clues to status in language and dress that I missed….
Posted at 7:12 PM |
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Creative use of glazed potsherds*.

Grass heads….
* The Brits call them shards. They are shards in that shards are broken bits. Sherds, on the other hand, are broken bits of ceramic, i.e., potsherds.
Posted at 8:52 PM |
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While Someone was flying Droney-Roney [the Irish device], I was messing with the fish-eye…

…and the close-up lenses. [Yes, that’s a Dandy-lion.]
Posted at 11:37 PM |
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