
Sunless but pleasant enough

Tree trimming power lines

This crew worked their way along the street, trimming trees above and adjacent to the lines. Or one guy did while the others provided moral support?

Stair landing in space

I guess today was a “looking up” day?

Angles and curves

Govt bldgs

We passed the final milestone (fingers crossed) in getting the New Car properly registered here in our home state. It has been a rather circuitous road. I conclude that paper-pushers in the private sector can be rather haphazard.

Several synonyms of sloppy have unusual consonant combinations—slaphappy, slipshod, slapdash, haphazard, lackadaisical, shambolic—also, “s” sounds are frequent.

The macro-ed world (again)

Ice crystal towers

First I thought I’d write about these ice mini-towers, maybe 3cm tall in total.

Shrub pink buds

Then I saw these buds…when I looked at the close-up, gee, they looked crinkled and…unpleasant. Frost/cold is the culprit, I think. [Some woody shrub I don’t know the name of.]

Mushroom gills

I liked these mushroom gills the best!

Embracing the bracing cold

Frost heave CU

Here’s a close-up of frost heaving…the water in the soil freezes and expands and the crystals move the soil around, which can affect the disposition of artifacts…. Sunny today, but not much above freezing. I heard melting, but in protected places the evidence of a winter snow/ice event remains.

N GA snow load

Photographic proof of the heavier snow load in the north GA mountains…what the neighbors brought back on the roof of their SUV…looks like about four inches…far more than the dusting that happened hereabouts.

Sea to inland

Beach pier grackle

We made it out to the beach for a bit of a stroll. Almost no beachcombers, and few birds….

Closed pier

The last hurricane damaged the pier, and apparently also most of the walkways across the dunes to the beaches. Visitors just walk through the dunes (the walkways were to protect the dunes, so total failure with that maneuver), but this barrier is more robust. We could see that the end of the pier was missing…yup, dangerous out there.

Giant cotton bales

I don’t remember seeing these huge round cotton bales before. Round hay and straw bales, yes. I think these are larger—and far larger than the old hand-picked bales, too!

Ice glitter

We found ice still glittering in Atlanta’s trees where it remained protected from Mr. Sun. We found a dusting of snow remaining in our yard, to be sustained overnight with the below-freezing temps predicted for us.

I remembered another pork item from yesterday’s breakfast buffet, bringing the total to nine, seven of meat, and two dishes with some meat added….

Peeks into several worlds

Shelf still

I found this collection of mementoes pacifying, although the figure has a rather serious mien. We had great fun visiting the legendary Al and Jill, and their younger generation, and a sample of one from the grandchild generation…so homey.

Lights at end of Xmas

We saw the last night of Xmas lights, and these outlined the trees in an interesting distortion of the natural arrangement of the large and small branches.

Wintery mix

Hmm. Wintery mix is pretty and contrastive in the spectrum of colors chosen to represent segments of the continuum from not freezing to freezing…. Stay warm, everyone.

Not mentioned, another world was the small-town breakfast buffet we hit (coffee and juice extra) that included pig in these forms: ham slabs, sausage patty, sausage links, bacon, sausage gravy, fried pork chops, hash, and a mixture of chopped canned tomatoes, onions, and ham. [UPDATE: also another sausage, perhaps Italian and something like andouille?] No one had a heart attack while we were there, but I worried that a regular might….

Shoreline fun

Lighthouse in palmettos

Hey, we’re on the Gulf Coast, so of course we saw…a lighthouse!

Limpkin M

And wading birds! Is this a limpkin? I think so…. Watched her/him for some time….

We also saw birds of several colors and configurations (including Snow Birds), two gators, one armadillo (wait, that was yesterday), shrimp and oysters (on our plates)….

Drone beach

But the best shots of the day were from Drone-y/Roney…above this white sand beach with the narrow peninsulas extending out from the beach during low tide…

Drone sunset river

…and this sunset shot. You can see a sliver of the Gulf past the river….

Golden light light

We found golden light on the backside of a renovated hotel/apartment building, way down in SoGA*.

Golden light shadow

No where near as flashy, but I liked this arboreal skeleton, also created by uber golden light.

Sand canopy road

And, funny thing, we discovered that we could cross the GA–FL line on a dirt road. Packed sand, that is. Great surface (today). And a canopy road at that. (Yes, that’s a term.) Only saw one deer family, and none were close enough to be dangerous.

* That is, south GA.

Neighborhood visibles

Popsicle yarn ornament

I have been working up a story to go with this…a school project, no? Popsicle sticks that never had any food attached, and yarn…to make an ornament that got sidetracked to adorn a picket and not a tree…. Festive!

Zoned walkway

No story with this one, it’s just an attractive pattern, enriched by the dark grout/mortar separating the stones….

Close-up experimentation

Holly leaf droplets

I left the house and I was happy that it was misting. I didn’t intend to adventure for long, but I thought I was safe from rain. No such luck.

Camellia bud inside

I did wear my raincoat, and my down puffy-coat, so I was toasty and dry for the length of time I was outside.

Earring detail

I experimented with the new macro lens that clips on over my iPhone…. I will have to work on steadying my hands….