
Street adventures

Wet street

Rainy early, so we got going late—no reason not to! As the skies cleared and the streets were still wet, we headed out for a wander, with no other destination than a meal when we became hungry.

Sun shadow street

Soon, the sun gave us light and shadow art.

Sun shadow plaza

And on a plaza, too.

Note the plane (sycamore-ish) trees…detest the severe pruning that makes them all knotty and knobbly.

Sunny Medieval wall

We stumbled into this curving section of what is billed as a stretch of the medieval wall—the inside was to the right.

Tower SE

And, just down the way, this wall and tower, which must be from a later wall that enclosed a bit more real estate.

Note plane tree far right….

Veg display

A street veg display. Most species are from France.

Felix Roux

And, on that same corner, a lovely old sign above…. Your chemiserie destination.

Bollard wait

Under the sign a mini-minibus waits for the bollard to descend and permit passage.

Bollard down

In the next block, a pawn-bollard was down. Love the paving-stone pattern.

Face fountain

The face fountain…I only gave you a face yesterday.

More plane trees….

Clock tower man

On the other side of the same square, a human figure behind a pigeon screen, below a day-of-the-month device that’s way off.

Stuffed chicken breast roll

Lunch break! This is my chicken breast stuffed with crayfish, sides of mashed potatoes and poêlée de champignons—which turns out to be fried/sauteed mushrooms. Yum. And a wine from this area, from a town a mere 17km from central Aix.

Archaeology en place

Full, we wandered apartment-ward, passing by this plaza undergoing rebuilding…in the process revealing the bases of old walls/foundations…apparently of the palace of the town’s count. Didn’t catch the date—17th, maybe 18th century?

Nice night

After a siesta-like downtime, we headed back out to see the city under lights. Nice night!

Condemned plane tree

Discovered that some plane trees are afflicted with a fungus tree types call canker (chancre coloré here), and soon will be cut down. That is a big problem in this town of many, but not exclusively, plane trees.
