
River stories

Cormorants waiting

These cormorants are waiting for whatever cormorants wait for. Food? More than food? These rocks were under many more feet of water for decades in a huge mill pond.

Hooch mills whitewater

Downstream of the cormorants, some of the later mill buildings survive, most repurposed as river-front apartments now that the dams are gone and the water is white, as it was through the early 1800s. This is the Chattahoochee at the Fall Line in Columbus.

Whitewater running

Now, venturesome people in funky short kayaks dare the once-again fast-flowing river to overpower them. [This guy was just fine; this moment looks scary, however.]

I’m not snooty

Hunter boots

I’ve been looking for good rubber boots for using at the northern outpost for quite some time (rain, heavy dew). I decided recently I’d get ones made by Hunter, if I could find them on sale. And I did! Via the web. Since they were so popular, hmmm, back-ordered…and today they arrived! Yay: they fit!

Hunter marketing

Hunter is the Queen’s brand, as in Elizabeth, as in “The Crown.” Hunter’s are made in Scotland…or they were; China now? Anyway, the main corporate offices are in Edinburgh.

Maybe, after I wear them several times, I, too, will feel “the desire to discover.”

Leaf texture (judge-y)

Falling fallen leaves

Fluffy, fresh-fallen leaves are magical. Today, they’re an antidote to the just-below-freezing temps we had as the sun rose. Brrrr.

Driving through the neighborhood, I saw a rhododendron, and the leaves were totally droopy: sad, unfluffy leaves.

Been binge-watching latest tranche of British Bake-Off/Baking Show…is it making me judge-y?

Lacking (new-car) shine

Hornets nest small

We went OTP* to a dealer to get the oil changed in the Prime. While we waited, we looked at expensive new vehicles (much better than what the TVs in the waiting area were tuned to). This one parked right outside the showroom on the wide sidewalk had a new label, yet sported assorted pine needles, spots of mildew, and this unoccupied beauty beneath the hatchback…definitely not worth the money (upwards of $50K before taxes).

* Outside the perimeter.

Still haven’t made a purchase

Ginkgo down

We tried to do some shopping today—that is, at the grocery store. But the power had just gone out, and nowadays (unlike when I ran a register in several HS-kid jobs) the cash registers have no crank option, so it just wasn’t possible to ring orders up. Thus: closed.

I suppose we could do some on-line shopping, but nothing is a must-buy for me at the moment. Maybe a paring knife? Maybe not….

Also, the neighbors’ gingko let its leaves fall today. Also, note the leafless branches reflected, left.

Dense fog

Foggy up

This was the view up this morning when the fog was still thick and daylight was creeping in.

Everything is wet outdoors

Leaves wet

Rainy, moist day, perfect for leftovers and laziness. We both get “A”s in those!

Tale of two pumpkins

Two pumpkins

Feast day here today, delayed from the traditional yesterday, meaning baking for me (love!). I ended up with two tins of pumpkin in two brands—varied color and very different moisture levels. Mixed together, they made fine pumpkin custard!

Cold morn

Frosty window

Frosty proof. This is the fancy rear window on the Prime; you have some sense of the swale molded into the glass.

Prepping begins

Cranberry sauce coming

I got the first dish going for our family festivities—on Friday…Friday works for everybody…. I ended up with about 2.4 dishes completed. I’ll be busy tomorrow!

Maple spire

As it turns out, we made two runs for “last-minute, forgotten” items. This was during the first. The second was after dark. If we can’t get by for the next two days on what’s here in the fridge and cupboards, we have lost perspective!