
Sunny moments

Lake view woods

While roaming today, I ventured into our woods. Here’s the view from the bluff across the likely-to-have-poison-ivy flats toward the lake.

Woods sentinels

The low angle of the sun means the opposite, 180° view is totally different. Almost bland in comparison, but actually quite interesting in the detail. Most of these trees are maples. I think.

Wood art lake

And today’s selected lake-view shot, across the tree-root art.

Chimney smoke

Rather nippy today (the sunshine you see in these shots was intermittent), so we have a fire in the stove. An internet search suggests it’s a coal furnace, so maybe that’s why it sometimes can be ticklish, tricky, and vexing to burn wood. Anyway, see the smoke? We are toasty; it got up to 89°, but is cooling now—just a pleasant 83° at neck height, less if you’re sitting. As I am.

Over and out.