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No exit

This pairing kinda confounded me. I’ve upped my walking minutes, so I can go farther afield…and in new territory (new lately, that is), I found this. I’m still pondering it….

True news


That is a fake rock. And that is not fake news. It’s the truth.

Camellia petals down

Wind and rain the last few days have brought down so much organic detritus…including these glorious, red petals. Sorry, camellia.

Meanwhile (I would have written that before Colbert), I am discombobulated as per usual from the time change. The light outside and the clocks do not match, my spidey-sense declares vehemently.

No greens tonight, though

Bloomin bulbs

Still enjoying blooming bulbs.

Japanese magnolias

I do like Japanese/deciduous magnolias; I especially enjoy the dark pink ones.

Dande lion

Starvation food—maybe no longer appropriately classified that way, since dandelion greens now are sold at Whole Foods.

Friday! Yay!

Sliding slope

Back in the mists of time, I read that Swiss farmers who had fields/pastures on steep slopes…

Slope moss

…monitored the effects of gravity, and when too much soil had crept downhill, they dug it up and moved it back uphill, so as not to lose it to the owner of the next field/pasture downhill. Farming is tough. [Moss has a relatively limited root system, so it’s almost a cheat to show the creeping soil under moss….]

Simmer burner

In my private world of kitchen experimentation, I’m making broth from the chicken leg bones from the other day’s bake…using the simmer burner for the first time. Burble. Pause. Burble.

Yard pig

And for Friday fun: a yard piglet. Winsome.

Foooooood for thought

Blooms vine

Chew-bot is a robot goat, a Canadian transformer-like toy. As seen on “Corner Gas.”


Sidewalk fixed

Sidewalk is fixed. Opposite side is getting sidewalk break; never had one before. Wow!

Three racks

First oven project: note triple decker of roasting pans! Potatoes! Chicken drumsticks! Mixed veg! (Just this one session and I’m a total convert to the convection process—everything crispier! Yum!)

Bare tree

Bare tree.

Blooming tree

Blooming tree. (Different species.)

Clock setting

Clo means clock. The complicated process of setting the clock on the new appliance!* Yay! New range!

Chili new stove

NewStove’s first dish: chili! Yay! Loving the 18,500 BTU wide-framed burner. Yay!

Yucca d yard

And for a more organic photo: yucca! Yay!

* The Guru does not set the microwave; I’m tickled he will set the range. I’m also hoping he can set whatever needs to be set after a power hit, as a quick perusal of the Owner’s Manual suggests it’s more than the clock. Or maybe I read it wrong. Stranger things have happened. BTW, I’m calling the range retro because: no bluetooth. Heh.

Both metrics

Detritus/graffiti from the Sunday footrace…

Sidewalk redo

Broken sidewalk slope zone…will return to discover what it’s been converted into.

Blue slide

Color and shapes…I’m regressing. Or retro.

Tranquil Sunday

Red maple eh

I left earlier than usual, having heard the meteorologists say: rain later! I set off on a typical wander, looking for photo potential. Mmmm, maple “helicopters.” Perhaps for red maples? haha

Lion planter detail

Mmmm, a lion detail on a planter…. Hmmm? where’s the traffic?

Race clog

Oh. Foot race. Hence, streets closed off, so, hmmm, an especially traffic free neighborhood, even for a Sunday!

Tranquil until the thunderstorm! Which now has passed. Whew. All is well. Wet, yes, but well.

Note small lily pad

Goddess in winter

We made a pilgrimage to see the Earth Goddess. She’s clearly awaiting spring.

Tulip interior

In a sunny part of the garden, tulips…

Many tulips

…and more tulips!

Tree reflection

In another water feature…a reflection of leafless tree above.