
Data, suppositions

Weather rock ATL

Cold snap here…this made me think of our Santa Fé weather rock….

Old apt door

This, however, is all Atlanta…not a bit of Santa Fé.

Wouldnt park

Narrator comment: Me, I wouldn’t park in that spot.

Backlit world


Ignore the power lines. [I’m usually not attracted to greenish-yellows, but this array did not bother me, perhaps because of the golden tints?]

Bamboo screen

We’re amidst the coldest cold-snap of the season, meteorologists say. I’m welcoming the sun, that’s fo-sho.

All the colors

O4W rainbow

Sunday stroll with The Guru: highlight…a rainbow. Human-made-not natural, but in my book: a rainbow is a rainbow is a lovely event.

For a colorful chronicle, see The Guru’s narrative.

Working the odds

Green white lenten rose

Was this bloom turned down to avoid catching the rain-to-come? Was it sentient? 🤣😀😝

Careful scrutiny

Colorful dawn

What a gorgeous dawn! Hate the neighbors’ McMansion dominates our early-day viewshed.

Hellebore buds

Hellebore buds. I understand that hellebore/lenten rose breeders have even developed dark shades.

Loropetalum not fringetree

I think of this as fringetree—wrong. It’s in the witch-hazel family, and is called Loropetalum. I certainly don’t scrutinize specimens closely enough to gauge botanical taxonomy.

Pink-pink vs purple-pink?

Azalea pink pink

I’m skipping mention of the Big Doin’s going on in WashDC, and instead focusing on…small. And local.

Azalea purple pink

These two blooms are from intertwined bushes. Do you see the different shades of pink? I wondered if the camera/iPhone would capture them. Conclusion: pink subtleties—capturable.

For thoughts on the Big Doin’s, visit The Guru’s comments in his resuscitated blog here.

Gold Ford!

Gold ford

Have to start with the ultra-shiny gold Ford! Could NOT be shinier! Note: this is NOT a new model, and this is NOT the original paint.

Wide O4W

I spotted it on my way to Old Fourth Ward Park. While the sun was out.

Turtle rock

And the turtles gathered on this one rock. The one they can climb up on; the others are too steep-sided at the water level.

Window above Kroger

Coming back, this window was totally reflective to my eye, but my magic phone/camera did, I saw when I did the download….

Confession: I used two, count ’em two, wide-wide shots…must be a record??

Green became gray

Rhodo bud

I saw the green coming on the weather map, but I believed the meteorologist who said the rain would arrive around 11am (or maybe that’s not what he said). So, I scooted out around 10am thinking I could get a good stretch of hoofing before turning around and getting back under the roof before….

Rosemary blooms

I noticed within the space of about forty paces that the sky ahead of me turned dark. Noticeably, not just kinda darkened. Oops. I didn’t get pelted, but I got wet by the time I returned. (I survived; I didn’t melt.)

The bees were smarter than I; they abandoned the rosemary and sought cover elsewhere (where?). The other day in the sunshine the bush buzzed there were so many bees busy there….

Not a downer

Flerkorn pkgs

The two-kay mixed use complex on the other side of the connector is anchored, in a sense, by the blue-white place (aka Ikea)…

Targzhay exterior

…and the red-white place (aka Tarzhay). We walked between the two…

Arc triumphal

…and saw for the first time on foot a two-kay arc de triomphe…which, surprisingly, has a museum downstairs. [Why?] That we didn’t enter, leaving a mystery.

Train rumbling

Got passed by a three-locomotive train when we were afoot. Wooooo-ooooo.

Confession: only shopped in Ikea; bought batteries that the Guru wanted and a plastic cover for use in the microwave. They don’t last forever, you know.

Further confession: it was a grey grey grey day, overcast and precipitating…but, somehow, okay even so.

Science moments

Prismatic bending

Light refraction.

Fern stomata

Fern stomata.