
Do you see what I see?

White above

These are the peaks east of Sams Gap, which the Interstate crosses north-south, and the AT crosses east-west. And it’s the state line between Tennessee and North Carolina.

Geography lesson over.

Fortunately for us, the white stuff was at higher elevations than the road.

Cloud day

Early menacing clouds.

Mr Ohio’s childhood Big Rock. It’s about seven feet high, I’d guess (hard to tell scale in this image).

Vine scars.

Crossing the Ohio.

Thus, today’s visual theme is clouds. Wait, perhaps you are thinking, what about The Rock photo? That has, um, a puffy duvet of clouds.

Civic-ceremonial + weather

This is a city hall, although I find the architectural philosophy matching ever so many county courthouses. Including the cannon. Unusual to be painted silver an to have a chunk of 2×6 blocking the barrel.

I confess I had to look up the USS Maine, as my recollection was too foggy. Ah, the Maine sank in Havana’s harbor, and at the time officials said it had been by a mine, but now it’s thought to be from an internal explosion. Anyway, that kicked off a whole war. Yikes.

Snow report: we saw flakes; we saw sleet; we saw fleeting sunshine. Mostly we drove through rain. And here’s a large rotten snow pile with some fresher frosting…the overall report is rain and melting.

Charting a thaw

This pile is so large because it was from a cleaned parking lot. It’s snow snow snow, nevertheless.

Small ponds still had ice in the centers, but larger bodies of water, like this: open water.

Yes, we did another latitude shift north today. And experienced graupel twice, hours apart. [Graupel is not in the Apple dictionary; it suggests grapple—not the same at all.]

On the move

We drove far enough north today that we found pears in bloom, rather lushly decorative among these old (for the Midwest) buildings…

…not far from the Uh-Hi-Uh river.

Fun fact: although many boundaries that follow rivers track the middle of the river, or what was at one time the middle, somehow, that’s not so for the Ohio River. Indeed, the state of Ohio, The Guru (aka Mr Ohio) says, doesn’t “have” any of its namesake river.

Distribution center

This is not charming, although I do find it interesting, mostly, I guess, in the lineup of blue trashcans and the double row of meters. And, then there’re the liberated cables and wires. I’m rather glad I don’t have an apartment in this complex, I must admit.


I went to a party this evening. How long has it been…yah yah, you know. For me, this was a notable Return to Normal Life in this Covid world. We sat on the patio, and my seat was by this lovely water feature. Beautiful evening. [Book club: Robin Wall Kimmerer’s 2013 essay collection Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. Highly recommended.

Poetic realism


I hope this makes some kind of sense: I’d like to swim in a pool of that intense and vital pink.

Lookee there

Poorly framed, distracting background. Still…such glorious, delicate colors.

Perfect spring weather

Pollen season, but pollen vanquished (temporarily) by storms in the last twenty-four. Sunny. Not hot, yet pleasantly cool. With dogwoods in bloom.