

Lilies orange

The notion that the difficult becomes possible if attempted in small, familiar increments encoded in the phrase “one foot in front of the other” is bunkum. At least for me these days. When I walk, I have to (try to) remember to tilt my pelvis a bit, shorten my stride, keep my chin up, keep my shoulders back, watch out for cross-traffic, avoid other pedestrians (Covid), avoid stepping in doggie bombs…you get the idea.

Pando is not panda

Plants grow very differently from people. We don’t have growth points that in any way resemble the end of this flower stalk. On a yucca plant? Not sure. Endlessly interesting, I think.

Have you heard of Pando? Maybe not by that name. It’s a forest of natural aspen clones connected by their roots growing in central Utah. And cattle and mule deer are grazing way parts of Pando, and keeping young shoots from maturing.

Green family

There’s a classic joke about two (or is it three? I’m so bad with jokes) blind men groping different parts of an elephant, and discussing what the creature must be. They have very different ideas because they are feeling such different parts. Trunk versus tail, that kind of thing.

Well, here’s the difference between the fronds and the stems of this fennel. I bought one fennel plant perhaps five years ago. It’s now got a dozen offspring, and they are lovely. I guess we could eat them, but I have yet to be inclined to. I guess the fronds and stems look related because there’s frondness in both.


Rose duo

All the weekdays last week reached highs in the 80s, and the morning lows were comparably high. Such a pleasure this morning to begin in the 50s, and top out about (merely) 70.

Most roses in bloom at the moment are red-red. I found this in a rosegarden front yard, with over a dozen colors of roses. This specimen was by the sidewalk, and ripe for photographing.

Not my type

I know of one bed of this plant (although my identification skills are abysmal) in our neighborhood, and I don’t remember this plant from elsewhere [really, why would I?]. My magic identification app suggests this is Houttuynia cordata, which is native to greater Southeast Asia. The app indicates the Chinese name translates as “fishy-smelling herb” and the Japanese name literally translates as “poison blocking plant.” These are far more…entertaining…than “the plant that spreads rapidly and keeps a slope from eroding,” which might be a colloquial name chosen by observers of this bed.


Humidity and impending rain created an atmosphere such that I couldn’t face pulling ivy and the mattock work I’ve been doing for two weeks, so I opted to walk. Still humid. Still rain pending (in 49 minutes, professed my watch—and it was right). I’ve been sparing my ever-so-sensitive knees by not pounding the pavement with a daily walk, so I turned tables and headed out for haunts I haven’t checked up on lately. Mucho progresso at the neighborhood firehouse, and I’m sure the fire-folk will love the upgrades.

And our new favorite summer evening menu: salmon salad. Like this. With lettuce and tomatoes and a drizzle of “balsamic glaze,” a TJ’s prep that is made with grape must, and is yummy (thank you, Cuz, for introducing me to it!), although it may not sound yummy.

In short, a day of changed habits.

After the petals

Fertilized peony. Gestating peony?


I’m staggered that the Chief Justice is more worried about the non-Justices doing something that might be termed underhanded than that that is just what several of the Lying-Under-Oath and Lying-to-Senators-in-Private regular Justices have done. Lying under oath BY A JUDGE seems to me to be a staggering problem with the institution of the Supreme Court. And thus for our nation.

Patience, patience

Ants swarming like it’s a peony, no?

Voting day some states. Here early voting began on Monday, so our airwaves (if that still works) are jammed with Seriously Annoying candidate ads, and Even More Annoying ads contributed by outside organizations.

Long year

One year ago we were train-spotting in Missouri (among other things). What have I been up to? Mostly being a homebody.