Quercus antigravitas*
Monday, 12 May 2008
This might well be the money shot, right after the trunk and branch bases swung free of the house, carefully and safely. We saw a slight amount of additional, let’s call it settling, that happened as the behemoth came off the house, but only about what I had expected.
Note that this accomplishment was preceded by HOURS of hard work by a crew of three which grew to seven, then became about five, including the operator of the 70-ton crane that did the heavy lifting—and lemme tell you, just getting the massive dual front axle machine parked in the proper position makes mall parking look like a frolic in the park!
The guys got the trunk parked next to the house, like a cadaver awaiting an autopsy, as dusk fell, in the last light of day. The fellow who did the aerial chainsaw work was an artist. We are lucky.
Tomorrow: the final removal. Firewood anyone?
* Points to F for this term….