
Maple mysteries


I walked the garden at Mom’s with her and The Botanist, who led a lively discussion of diseases of maples.

Close-up chores


Today, JCB added a new chore to the long list associated with closing the cottage for the winter: moving the yardsign to the neighbor’s yard for continued display….

Where oh where…


Lunar changes mark autumnal shifts, accompanied by the obvious modifications in leaf colors. The road beckons….

Chores etc.

I’m convinced maintenance chores are unending. The best you can hope for is that you get to the point where almost all of the big ones are taken care of, and many of the little ones, too. Then you can slack off for a bit. More than likely, Fate soon will intervene and your list will lengthen once again….

Light maximized

I love that daylight comes and stays and goes here from all angles, without the limits we experience at our urban abode. I love finding low-angle shadows here and there, in the beginnings and endings of the day’s light.

Those other ticks


Old two-room school enduring the precip, Luce County, Michigan.

Although it’s a drippy day, it’s relatively warm and we’ve been having a grand time. We went to town and bought a sheet of blue foam insulation to finish up the well house project (replacing the loose insulation that’s coated with dried you don’t want to know), since last year’s partial installation came through the winter without problems. We also bought Breyer’s natural vanilla ice cream for tonight’s modest celebration of one more tick on the personal odometer of life.

Six point nine miles

Chapel Lake, view west across south end.

Today’s adventure was a loop walk around Chapel Lake, in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. The breeze was offshore and we could hear the wind in the canopy as we walked through the mostly maple woods. We saw two little snakes (snakelets?; possibly hatched this year?; one probably garter/garden; other unknown), no fur bearers, only a few other hiker/walkers, no campers, many chipmunks. Notable plant species include Doll’s Eyes and moosewood (no time to find links). We also saw Chapel Rock.

Berry harvest


All week I’ve been watching the LBBs* working on the barberries. Since there still seems to be a bumper crop on the branches, I think they’re not particularly efficient.

* Little Brown Birds.

Gettin’ sauced!


One of today’s big projects was scavenging apples from here and there about the orchard (none of the trees had many apples that we could trust to be tasty), then converting them into applesauce. Yum!

Llama winsomeness


Part of today’s excitement involved a visit to a family farm—almost private petting zoo. Sheep. Llamas. In short: fiber creatures. Yes, the lady of the house is a spinner and weaver. Among other things.