
Clouds here and there

Morning sky with clouds crepe myrtle

I watched these clouds with quiet enjoyment until I made the turn to head back to the house.

I’m feeling like a five year old these days. I broke the bow of my glasses the other day, just not paying attention.

Broken bow taped CU

Turns out that these fancy high-fashion specs are not easy to get fixed—they have to be returned to an agent of the manufacturer—in CALI! About a one-week turn-around! But my great glasses lady did a terrific temporary fix (shown is my taped fix) with some shrink-wrap miracle material, and I will treat them as…if they’re broken—that is, carefully. Hopefully, I can limp through and get a new pair soon (part of the fall out is a hastily scheduled eye-doc appointment)…blah blah blah.