
Beer cheese, Belgian style

Baguette n chimay wheelette

We branched out today, buying a wee 300g–wheel of Le Chimay à la Bière, made by the Belgian Trappists known for their beer. Indeed, cheese bathed in beer—what can go wrong?

Our conclusion: fine fine lovely wonderful. Yum.

Games of thrones?

Throne rainbow

Swamped all day with document-proofing and detail-chasing. Mostly complete; wouldn’t have been possible without huge effort by The Guru.

Vine not vinegar

Orangy trumpety flowers

I found the rain today vernal and appreciated. The plants, too, I’m sure.

Now, to weed and plant the front bed….

Of all things—both vine and vinegar have their root in the Latin vinum meaning wine.

I was just photog

Twin ATL panoramas

Student, left; teacher, right.

There’s that lovely moment when you’re learning something and you tip over from not quite getting it, to being ready to exercise the knowledge you’ve gained.

Note: phone on left—pretty darned cool!

Shine a light…

Sunset highway golden

In all fairness, this was yesterday’s sunset.

I’m happy to avoid the Reinhart-Rogoff mess (can YOU use a spreadsheet program correctly?)(and…PK’s take on it), but I got sucked into my own life’s version of “check all details numerous times” on an assortment of themes today.

Question: if there was no architectural barrier to it, if you were planning a two-story house with the bedrooms upstairs, would you put the washer-drier upstairs?

See, I’m thinking details all day. Disparate details, but still details.

Recycled and organic

Eve art CU

Close-up of large piece by Eve of Athens. Eve used recycled materials to make these tranquil, organic forms.

We day-tripped today to Athens to do an errand and—bonus!—meet up with our niece, and to check out her “new” (that is new this student calendar year—we’re slow) place. Really liked the place. Met a roommate we hadn’t met before, who is preparing an art show. This piece will be installed in industrial architectural ruins that are covered with green vines and plants. Sorry to miss the final, complete effect….

Great fun and yum dining at The Grit…. Ah, Golden Bowl….

Pure delight

Child emerges from bivvy

One of the lovely themes of our evening was watching kids enlivened with curiosity. This one had just discovered the fun of a bivy sack. The owner of the camping item, arguably an adult, sets foot on the PCT on Friday, northbound. To be, 2,663 mi later, in Canada. In October, he hopes. Travel safely, Spark!

Sentinels of the Plains

Producers grain silos train

I think this was just east of Amarillo.

I wonder if construction were beginning now if this architectural form would be used for local grain storage depots across the Great Plains.

Of all things! I just checked The Great WikiPee, and apparently the English word silo derives from the Greek word for a grain storage pit. Apparently, also, groups of silos and associated buildings, etc., are termed by their function: grain elevators. The architecture signals the shift from shipping grain in bags to in bulk, which changed dramatically in 1843, when the first mechanical complex was opened in Buffalo. Yes. Not on the Plains.

Blue skies

Mesa verde post fire

The spring 2013 recovery condition after the Chapin 5 fire (I think) of 1996, at Mesa Verde. Note the snowy peaks on the far right horizon.

I’m in some kindof recovery mode…tail dragging a bit, but still digging in on at least part of the to-do list that piled up while we were on the road.

Yellow cloud season

Azalea white adorned

The meteorologists are talking pollen count again, as there’s so much in bloom right at the moment.