

Truck twoshovels

That’s a pairing I expect: shovels and water cooler. Despite the hand-tools, a backhoe (and its driver) were doing the work, and the guy with this truck was sitting in the right seat fondling his phone.

Late dogwood

Those pointy-petaled dogwoods are out; the usual ones are long-gone.

Pretty purple ish

And this is a bonus pretty….

Inner strength

Building skeleton

Shortly, this will all be covered up, and we will nevermore see this building’s skeleton. BTW, that yellow machine on the left was burrowing into bedrock, and made the whole area shake slightly.

Reverse order

Unicorn pegasus

…the unicorn (Einhorn) and Pegasus…. (Giddy-up.)

Treehouse not

A treehouse…but not the traditional combo. And maybe not really a house.


And…Tractorman! Whatta find in about 15 minutes of Rural Road travel.

Flag day!

Iris showing off

Ooops, not. Maybe it’s just an iris, and it IS Mother’s Day.

Cauliflower gone wild

So, I was doing some simple cooking. And the cauliflower was purple. White at the base and purple at the…flower part. Nice contrast with the capers, no?

Thai curry no basil

And, speaking of colorful, Thai curry à la Sammy and (Trader) Joe. With no fresh basil. And because of the recall, these are Danish peas. Of all things—Danish. Not merely organic….

Red & mediocre

Red azalea

I have tried three mornings (when the sun penetrates to this plant) to shoot these blooms, and…meh. Yeah, it’s okay, but not more.

Pre-bee tree

Magnolia bloom

Here’s another early-season bloomer, the magnolia. Actually, the plant family is good-sized, and this is probably a M. grandiflora—cultivar a mystery…; if it is, the species is native to this area. Anyway, I find the white-white of the petals striking….

Floor mites

Park watertap

I mis-heard a phrase as “floor mites.” I’m told it was “phone lines.” More cocktails, please.

Oh, and the image above? Semi-generic Parisian park-water-“pump” from “last week.” Nothing to do with mites.

Long tail…with spurs!

Monumental sculpture

Sometimes you need to go big. Sometimes it’s boasting, however. Good luck distinguishing the two. Especially in the moment….

Paris. Not long ago. That statue’s not in my neighborhood.

O, the irony.

Azalea whte

So, this azalea is almost dead. This is the only surviving branch, and it sports two blooms and a bud, and maybe there’ll be another, but this may be it it it. I was going to tear up the plant (it’s a miniature) over the winter, but got lazy I guess…anyway, it gets one more hurrah….

Meanwhile, the privet I don’t care about (borderline hate, but can you really hate a plant that doesn’t poison you?) is blooming!! and generally putting on a good show.

Memories, varied

Jetlag cafe Paris

I’ve (mostly) surmounted the jet lag. I include mostly because every once in a while I notice a bit of sluggishness creeping around my margins. (This café is near Les Halles in Paris.)

Brit Lib plaza art

And here’s a pure art shot…from the plaza in front of the British Library.

Euro frog

How often do you find a frog-holding-a-ladybug ceramic? And with a decorative €-euro price tag on the belly-bulge? Ah, Paris…. (But, €24? Wowzah. That’s pricey frog-bug art.)