
I felt like walking more than usual when I started out this morning, and made my goal an artesian well over on the next mile-road. Which means I got a drink and turned around. Wonderful.
The farmer had this pond made so he could pasture cattle instead of grow hay on these fields, way back when I was in elementary school. No cattle; back to hay. And nature is infilling the pond. As you’d expect. [Same farmer, however; he’s gotta be in his mid- to late-80s.]
Posted at 6:27 PM |
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My that’s some gorgeous moonlight!
And I do believe I see clues to how my phone-cam does its low-light magic…given the the green dot-cluster to the left, and the red highlighting on the foreground plants.
Still, what a fabulous moon!
Posted at 8:46 PM |
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We went across the road to greet the neighbors, and she gave us a big hug and took us through to the front deck to wave at her husband, out in the boat. On the mirror-surfaced lake. It isn’t usually this calm this late after sunrise. It was a gorgeous day all the way to dark.
I digress.

Her husband came in shortly with a big haul of four, fine, large fishes. These are the two largest. They are planning on a big small party in a week, so these will go in the freezer until then. And we are invited, so….
Posted at 8:29 PM |
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Just north of Clare (MI) on US-127, the road goes up a hill, or what’s a hill in these parts. I think it’s a glacial something, moraine perhaps. Anyway, this is it. If you were riding a bicycle, you would certainly notice this hill. North of it the country is rolling and the soils are different, and thus so is the vegetation. My mother always called this the North Country Hill, and her voice had such seriousness, that I always imagined it to be capitalized.

This set us up to get to The Bridge, and the local drive-in, Clyde’s, where we got a late lunch/early dinner of bison burgers. Mmmm.

Did the most urgent cleaning and unpacking, and walked down to the lake to catch the last of the sun on the trees on the point. Our point. It’s far less of a point than it used to be, a victim of much higher water levels and scrounging of the rocks that made it by neighbors. The rocks were below the water line, so there was nothing we could do.

Despite irregular setting of the apple blossoms and the negative effects of an earlier infestation of leaf-eating Lymantria dispar (used to be called gy- -psy moths), we do have some apples. I don’t think they’re on the “best” trees, but they will do. Great color.
Posted at 8:11 PM |
1 Comment »

Once again, I create a post while the Guru is driving and by the miracle of technology I can upload it for your reading plezhur.

This morning was quiet-with-coffee, then a mini whirlwind of organizing, packing, cleaning, and miscellany. Then, under intermittent rain, we headed into the mountains, where the rain mostly ceased. After a hundred miles or two the overcast disappeared, and the sunset was clear. In Kentucky.
And after I make this post, the plan is to head on into, tahdah, Uh-hi-uh. Yup, northbound, we are.
Posted at 7:30 PM |
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So much individuality in these little free libraries. This is a brand new one, been around perhaps a week, at least in this location. [Note: individuality NOT personality.]

And, once again, an insect photo-bombs a flower photo. As they do.
Posted at 8:09 PM |
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From afar, I have been seeing construction vehicles on this stretch of the BeltLine for weeks, and today there were very few pedestrians around, so I went down to take a quick peek. That strange narrow addition to the wide sidewalk? That’s where many runners trod (although not this guy), to avoid the hard concrete…and it looks like they’re adding a strip of a bouncier surface…which is a bit late, but darned appropriate. The space to the left of the sign is allocated for the planned parallel streetcar line…which is coming no time soon, as near as I can tell.

We’re almost half-way through September, and the light is changing…and so’s the vegetation. Jessayin.
Posted at 9:34 PM |
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Seems to me that if there’s a sidewalk solar panel for buried infrastructure, we should be able to use sidewalk solar for other uses, no? Plenty of sidewalks other there, ya’know.

Found this little cherry tomato science project…kinda late in the season, but they should ripen…. After all, where’s there no frost, tomatoes are perennials. [Going and going….]
Posted at 8:39 PM |
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The vegetation is still mostly green leaves and late summer, but this flower caught a dry oak leaf…thinking it might be last year’s…but, then, how’d it get airborne?…leaf blower?
Posted at 8:45 PM |
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Streets were quiet this morning, more quiet than I expected. I did check in on the construction site. It’s going to be a while before anyone moves in.

If they were here, I’d give these flowers to our friends who married today in a Covid-careful (limited to close family only) ceremony in another state. They have our love, and this flower photo from the Deep South, with our bestest weeshes.
Posted at 8:17 PM |
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