
Capital improvements

I discovered this Big Green Pump a week ago. It must be quite a project, as now there are more pipes stacked and additional barriers. I walked off to the left, and a crew of guys were installing mini-bridges across the curb-edges at each driveway on one side of the street. The mini-bridges had connectors at each end, I think to allow the project to pump piped water above ground down that street while still allowing homeowners to use their driveways. Still don’t fully understand the Big Green Pump project.

Ahhhhhh, yes

Even when there’s a cold rain, a daffodil crowd makes me smile.

Stay tuned

We were in the lovely filling of a weather sandwich today, with a high of an unexpected 62°F. Rain’s coming in tonight, and then by weeks-end something wintery will be somewhere nearby, perhaps even here, depending on which meteorological model is correct.

Sun fun

That Tonga tsunami sure puts our wintery weather the other day in perspective. We’re in a pleasant sunny, ho-hum mode before the next cold snap rolls later this week.

Cycling (temporal)

The wind has decreased, and will continue to fade overnight. The snow and icy bits are gone, and even protected plants are acting like the winter weather has passed. But it is cold, and we may see snow again, what is it? Friday, I think.

Snow day

Only part of the day was snow day. It began as a rain day, then morphed into sleet-rain…then actual accumulations that qualify as an icy version of Snow day.

This was probably about the maximum accumulation in our neighborhood. It’s still above freezing. At the moment. On this street.


I went out for a wee stroll this afternoon, and passed a woman at a distance of at least five paces, and she cheerily said, “Feels like snow!” I agreed; it sure did. However, my fav-o-rite weather app doesn’t predict any until just before noon tomorrow. At this specific, very local location, right here.

Regulations vs bureaucracy

A week or so ago, we received a notice about a movie shoot closing a block or so for a limited time. Hand delivered. As per city regulations, I’m certain.

This disruption, however, with a giant green water(?) pump: no notice whatsoever. And one not-so-busy and two busy intersections closed. Totally. Thank you, city of ATL. And I’m guessing we’ll have steel plates to bump over for quite some time after.

Looking ahead

Today was about preparing for Sunday and post-Sunday. We’re supposed to get snow-and-ice weather then, although models diverge on how much cold/wet, and how long conditions will last. In short, we stocked up on groceries ahead of many of our neighbors (as in other metro residents), as the store was neither overrun with shoppers nor reduced to empty shelves. We should be good for say, five days, although, selfishly, I’d like us to make a quick bourbon run tomorrow.

Dix pour cent

As far as TV viewing, we finished the Finnish series we were watching (Deadwind), and now we’re immersed in French (Call my Agent!). Either way, I’m glad for English subtitles.