
Sunny and clear

Library myth

Little free library…librarian?

Made a social visit to Athens (and back), what fun. No foooootball.


Perhaps when you saw that title, you were thinking nuts and chocolate. Nope. I present mushrooms and…

…porcelain berries.

Personally, I wouldn’t eat either one. 🤣


I walked a few steps on the BeltLine for the first time in a long while (mostly pre-Covid). I know sections I haven’t been on are now open—a goal to walk them sometime…but here’s a nearby section that’s been upgraded with a springy edging for runners and anyone who wants to save their feet, knees, and spines from pounding on the harsh concrete.

The BeltLine detour lead me to go through a neighborhood I haven’t been in since the spring, and I found this luscious display of trumpet flowers, posing next to a decorative, small Corinthian (?) column supporting a sundial.

Family fun

I named this picture inner_rose. Turns out we dined tonight with she-could-be-called Inner Rose…and her fun hubby, The Dave.

Leaf report: ATL

Leaf color report from ATL: these must be red oaks! 🤣

Okay. THIS is an authentic assessment. Pretty darned green here.



I promised I’d give a green report for ATL…however, when I went on my walk, I kept my nose down looking for pretties instead of gazing upwards. Tomorrow?

Morass, and more

We pushed south from get-up in central Indiana, keeping an eye on the leaf colors. This is northern Kentucky. It’s got some elevation, and I think that’s why the color has developed this far.

This is also a bit elevated, and definitely farther south, in central Tennessee. I think the overcast has heightened the colors somehow in the color processing. Call it even a bit fake.

Something for you to ponder, those photo algorithms. I think the new 15 camera’s overly push the saturation, compared to standing there, at least with my eyeballs. The second photo was standing there; the first was through the windshield, then color corrected for the window tint. Overall, it sounds like I stepped into a visual morass. (tee hee)

I’ll have to give you the leaf-color report on ATL in the coming days. We were so busy dodging the usual urban traffic snarls, bumped up by Pride weekend activities, that I didn’t adequately take in my non-traffic environment.

Glorious fall day

Sunrise-orange across the Grand Marais breakwater and Lake Superior.

Fall color along US2, southern side of the peninsula, out from under the cloud bank.

Lake Michigan at Brevort, still in the Upper Peninsula. Never come down to the lake here before.

Lake Michigan at Cross Village, in the northern Lower Peninsula. More wind than the north shore at Brevet.

Tunnel of Trees, as the state highway going south of Cross Village is known. The right-of-way is narrower than standard, not two lanes wide, and thus no center line. We followed about ten fancy, late-model Corvettes who were traveling together. We left the park at Cross Village right behind them, and followed them into Harbor Springs. [If you’re looking at a map, this’ll make sense.] We got a chance to analyze tight GM cornering from the rear.

One more shot of the fall color in the northwestern Lower Peninsula, greener than in the UP.

That visually sums the prettiest pretties of the day.

Cleansed by Mother Lake

Here’s the Mother Lake. Such a dramatic and energizing place to visit, to stop and watch and breathe and listen.

See, you’re already feeling its effects.

This stretch of the North Country Trail is east of the mouth of Hurricane River (flowing into Lake Superior, of course). There’s plenty of fall color and plenty of green. I expected more leaves to be down, although I’m very happy to see them still attached.

OTRA, without Willie

Two days ago we got an impulse to go north. We left in a light rain, and this was the edge of the weather mass. All sunshine after this.

I don’t usually show license plates, but this one begged to be included here.

The new phone/camera clearly takes better shots than the old equipment.

See, just look at today’s sunset (even after downsampling for this post).

OTRA = on the road again