
At a loss

Azalea pink late ish 2001 cluster

I “populated” my day with miscellany—not so satisfying as the big accomplishments, but, in the end, assorted chores now are taken care of. Not sure what they are upon reflection, but, well, yea!

Mean-betwixt, SWAT teams were…um, getting some experience?…over in the Morningside area (let’s show that we’re alert by putting public schools on lockdown?). I heard hovering helicopters. Should I now feel safe?

Apologies for the ramble; I’m under the influence of a particularly tasty pot of F-chili (yum!).

Ruminations, no. 26941-B

Sage in bloom on old growth 2011

I know loved ones in the upper Midwest are dealing with that frozen precip—it’s April, and thus not entirely unexpected. Here, however, we’re enjoying sunshine and summery temps. My sage plant, now two years old, is in glorious bloom and the later azaleas are beginning to bloom, too. Expect “proof” photos this week….

My big chore of the day: power-washing the front steps. And, boy, do they look better!

Driving through time

White and pink dogwoods in appalachia

Usually I compose the headline after I write the text, since I’m not particularly adept at headline creation. Today, the title came first.

I like this idea of passing through time—albeit as time passes—but time on a different scale than real-time.

Motoring south today on US27 from mid-Kentucky to southern Tennessee, we did drive through early spring—from irises through redbuds and, as here, dogwoods. I loved the gorgeous woods, with tinges of green highlighted by splashes of white in those characteristic horizontal layers the dogwoods offer.

And, now, we are ensconced in full-blown late spring, with the leaves on many trees one-third to half out, and the colors, ah, the colors, just glowing greens….

Quick garden report: a few basil leaves are poking above the soil. Watering needed….

TV remote, neglected

3 women 4 computers 1 remote

We are now officially collecting pictures of two or more people in a conversational setting…working the Internet…and other spell-binding activities requiring a screen*.

Note that the young lady in front has, count ’em, two iPads…the better for fun and creativity, you know!

* Texting doesn’t count.

Rabbit in nern detroit suburb

We stood watching the wildlife in the backyard here in a northern Detroit suburb…you’ve heard about the depopulation of Detroit recorded in the last census. Well, today we noted that the…wildlife…counts…are not…diminished….

Sit in the sunshine and get happy

Enjoying the sunshine in yer nineties

Laugh along with the super-octos (meaning they’re in their nineties).

Rousing tunes, touch-screening

Using iPad at ninety umpf

Yesterday’s sun gave way to murkier skies for much of the day, but, since Today is Thursday, we did Music with Fazel at 2 pm!! Clementine, anyone? Pachelbel’s Canon? We did the classics! (Albeit as interpreted by the canned versions installed in a flashy silver portable digital organ….)

Following that excitement; iPad2 time!

Spring is unfolding

Run in with scissors

We watched the gardeners busy removing old canes and exposing the fresh new growth this afternoon, while house wrens (?) fussed above and carried nesting material to the birdhouse on a high post—over at Mom’s Place. At the same time, the Botanist prepared raspberries and established rabbit-frustration fences at his Domain.

Clouds in a lather

N GA S Appalachian spring roily skies

Rained much of the night. By early mid-morning, the road had dried, yet the clouds lingered, adorning the skies with roiling shades of grey, as is common across the Great Plains.


Sage bud not yet open 2011

This, of course, is real sage, and, in this case, getting ready to bloom. Look at that fat bud! (Sage, not any other species….)

The title? My first Mac, a hand-me-down from Guess-Who, was named Mac-Sage, because it was a Mac (duh!) and sported a sticker saying “Sage” (more duh!).

I sometimes think my current Mac(s) are sage-y, but none are quite the Mac-Sage, with its tiny screen (in comparison, mind you; I wrote plenty of multi-page papers on M-S and loved that it was so-much!! easier! better! than…um, well, you get the idea…) and whirring disk drive.

Sage. Bud. Mac-Sage. (Disk) drive.


Borrowing from KW (or evocative of KW—something), lemme say, over and not-quite-out-and-I’ll-be-back-mañana…. Luv ya, everyone, especially the one-whose-bday-it-is-today. Extra hugs, luv’d one….