
Happy, happy New Year!

Chandon bubbly n tv

Many, many people around the globe pay attention to today’s year-end calendar, even if they use a different year-end in their own culture’s (or religion’s) calendar. As at the (Julian-calendar) millennium—remember? I guess it’s any chance to stay up into the dark hours and to party?

Visual reality bending

Panorama bridge walking

Been playing, now and then, with the panorama and slo-mo (sic) video options on the iPhone 5s. Neither fit well in this column; still, here’s a sample panorama. Not earthshaking, but fun….

High water

Lake Lanier overcast dusk

View from a boat ramp east of Buford Dam.

Long-time readers (all two of you), may remember my repetitive comments in previous years about the levels of Lake Lanier, upstream of ATL on the Chattahoochee. Here’s proof that, for now, the level is almost two feet above “full pool.”

Underworld access

Book depository exterior

So many cultures have stories about the underworld, and it’s not always a fearsome place. Still, as a child, I found the maw of the book return, and those for banking, a tad fearsome.

Dusk…on a trail

Chatt trail dusky

Strolling along the Chattahoochee in the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Your tax dollars at work.

Day length increasing now, right?

Saga, size small

Streetlamp lit daytime

I know you thought (perhaps) that today is Boxing Day. For us it turned out to be streetlamp day.

We found the first one in an unusual position—on the ground with a bucket truck tending to it. It looked huge. One of the truck-tenders had the base of the post open, and The Guru said the wires, etc. looked very modern.

Then we found this one, lit up well before dusk. Pretty, though.

Omens? Nothing? Just one of those mysteries? Happenstance?

Not sure….

Happy merry

Xmas dessert

We all ate too much before dessert, then stuffed ourselves again. Yes, two kinds of pie—pecan and pumpkin (Libby’s recipe, tweaked)—plus double-chocolate cookies and bourbon balls.

Fine family feast….

Homey, seasonal

Tree lit almost fire

Yes, the screen has vertical lines (failures).

An almost fire for almost Christmas. Tree’s decorated!

Festiveness is arriving

Computer fire

The tree is up. And undecorated. (Tomorrow!)

The fire is lit. Well, a computer screen is flickering very realistically. Sound optional.

Ah, decorations

Purpley festive decorations

I like the sparkle and the color of these decorations. Ours run much more in the red, green, gold vein, with a few rogues of other colors. But none are purple and sparkly.

I used to love the tinsel when I was a kid–not the tinsel itself, those thin bands of plastic with a foil layer somewhere, but the effect of the tinsel, all glittery and unlike the rest of the year. Now I encounter more sparkle more often in every season, which I enjoy.