
Alight, then depart

Americano bruschetta

Say bruschetta. That “ch” in the middle may lead you astray. Italians and in-the-know Americans say “broos-keh-tah” with a hard “k” sound. Just sayin’….

We had bruschetta at a fun, fine party this afternoon, congenial and fabulous. Then, we rolled on….

Real or imitation?

Pineapple model

Back before 3D printers and digital technologies, if a museum wanted a plant for a diorama, someone had to make it, as the real thing wouldn’t survive the hot lights unattended for decades. This is a model of a pineapple at the blooming stage, not a bit the real thing. Not sure what year it was made, whether plastic is heavily used or not at all, but it looks just like a flowering pineapple, before the pineapple has formed.

Roads and rivers

RR bridge

This trestle went on and on across the opposite floodplain. This was earlier; there was still blue in the sky when I took this….

This afternoon/evening was one of those odd times when the transition in light was from ever-so-light grey through shades of grey to dark grey, lacking any stage that seemed like sunset.

By-product of Xmas “cookie” making

Powdered sugar on skirt

I was messy today. Rolling bourbon balls, I got powdered sugar all over my skirt. No biggie; just went out back and shook like a wet pooch.

In a swirl

Carpet CU

I spent the day with planning thoughts bouncing around in my pea-brain, big-picture then close-up…then the reverse.

Finally, I decided I had done enough whirling, and settled into my attempt at a zen place.

New market

Sides of mammal

We checked out the new market over on Krog Street this afternoon. It’s an open warehouse space, with a wide aisle that passes by relatively small retail areas in the center or around the outside of the whole space—all under one roof overall arranged in a big rectangle.

The photo is from the Spotted Trotter‘s aging cooler; their beef kielbasa caught our eye for…next time.

The highlight was making late-lunch/early-dinner selections at Yalla, for take out. The cuisine is Middle Eastern, and the flavors are fantastic. I’ll be back! We’ll be back!

We resisted making purchases at Jeni’s ice cream (chain based in Ohio), although we tasted about five flavors—my favorite: lavender berry—and a gorgeous color, too! We also by-passed The Little Tart Bake Shop—VERY difficult to…keep…feet…moving….

However, we did buy goodies at Xocolatl (how could we skip that!).

Ma Na-chur’s frosting

Frosted oregano

Winter is the time to plan next year’s garden. I think this oregano will survive. I’m thinking sage and a new pot of Thai basil would be a perfect addition.

Maladjusted (loosely)

Paned window dark dusk

I know we haven’t quite reached the winter solstice, although to me the days have seemed short for several weeks now—and the nights seem to last well into what my inside clock wants to be daytime.

Defensive metal trees

Light x two

Out and about, you know, those last-shopping-weekend-before-Xmas kind of chores (even though it’s not the actual last weekend). This stop was at our neighborhood fancy-grocery. The shopping center managers have installed these little metal trees on various architectural details to ward off pigeons and I don’t know what other birds. Still, the sandwich-board sign for the pet store on the sidewalk below was decorated with…droppings, soooooo unhygienic. Although maybe the splats came from storage elsewhere? Either way, I didn’t find it encouraging about the cleanliness of the pet store….

Not reindeer hoof-prints

Stripey painting

I’m a sucker for color graduations and stripey-ness. These colors make me smile.