
Adventures outside the house


We got out…destination: IKEA. For several reasons. Mine was partly that the floor is pretty darned flat and good for me to practice crutching correctly…form over function, lead with the bad foot, leg straight, then transfer weight to hands so as not to overweight the bum foot.

I did a whole floor of the IKEA maze—yay! For the lower floor, the Guru wheelchaired me about. Note that Fitbit gave me a mere 300 steps…on CRUTCHES…for A WHOLE FLOOR of a good-sized IKEA. [Exhale. Pause. Repeat. Sigh…better now.]


Afterwards, we were famished and the Guru motored us over to our favorite pizza place…yum! And, yes, all three of us took pizza pictures before diving in. Sometimes with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.

In short, so so so good to get out!