

Giant leaves ABG

Upscaling our outdoor walk, we went to the BotGarden. Crews were adding light-strands especially in the woods; we figured they’ll add far more in the coming days as the Member Preview (first night; a bargain $14 and likely to be CROWDed) isn’t until 9 November.

This winter light show is not my favorite addition to the Garden (very tacky and plastic-y and nearly everywhere you look), but I assume that it makes the organization BigBucks. The pricey after-dark tickets start at $15 for members on the cheap nights, and go up to $35 for non-members on Fri/Sat/Sun nights, including hologram glasses and a drink ticket (!!). Should you care to know.

Algal webs

We discovered the fountain basin in front of the Conservatory had been partly drained, and was being refilled with a hose. We found the algae desiccating on the drying stems of the autumn-trimmed papyrus.

It looks rather like a green version of the white, fake cobwebs festooning many houses and shops this day. Because spirits demand cobwebs, doncha know?

Autumn goddess

My big goal was getting down to see the Goddess. She’s partly stripped to her innards, and not so pretty, but I enjoyed sitting peacefully with the Guru and watching the light and shadow on the water. The jets weren’t activated….

And, yes, I’ve racked up 3K steps this day (on the favorable device)…don’t expect me to get an additional thousand tomorrow to continue the pattern of the last few days…too many appointments, etc.…and likely I’ll need a bit of a rest day…