
Chop, chop

Stirfry mixture

In pursuit of eating further down the food chain, we had veggie stir fry, with protein from edamame and tofu (well, plus the rice). In the process, I managed to use up the last of the ginger root I got for the sesame noodles.

I do have a problem with all this, still, since the soy is mono-cropped. And the rest of it, too. Not so earth-friendly…too many people, there’s no other way to put it.

Octo-petal patterns

Water flower in neighborhood

I enjoy looking at these, but not enough to fuss with creating a see-ment pond somewhere on the property to have some of my own.

Sopa sandia

Watermelon soup with kick

That is: watermelon soup. Wonderful watermelon soup. Wouldn’t want it every day, but oh my did we enjoy it. Some kick I think from jalapeño. Not at all watery, nicely concentrated without being syrupy. Just…yum.

Veggie pasta (plus)

Thai basil sesame noodles spicy

I used our volunteer Thai basil in a bastardized version of sesame noodles, cobbled together from five different recipes and not exactly like any of them. Straight sesame—no peanut butter…. Spicier than usual out of my kitchen. Yum. (Needed a bit more sugar, I’m think, though, to balance, though it was pretty close to perfect. Didn’t measure, so no recipe possible….)

Just looks B&W

Opposite of backlighting

And this is the opposite of backlighting. I’m not finding any metaphor here; what does this say about me?

Vigorous photosynthesis

Backlit redbud leaf cropped

I took this picture (once again enjoying the morning cool), then wondered if backlighting is a metaphor for my life these days?

Pale lily sunrise

Lily pale yellow d garden

I opened the front and back doors to blow in some of the fine, cool air of the early morning. Perfect for sitting out and sipping coffee.


Ants in 3 feeding rings

It’s like autumn is here early and the ants are taking refuge…on my counter.

We did try some evasive maneuvers.

Not standard equipment

Peppers aborning 2012

On the other hand, these peppers are “standard equipment” on this specimen.

I didn’t get a photo, but the other day we stopped in traffic behind a Wee-Cooper hatchback, and smiled at the discreet sticker below the right corner of the window.

Actual size, it read.


Hollywood ga bills dish barn closed

Bill’s Dish Barn has been closed for well over a decade, long enough that the grass has taken over most of the parking lot. We used to stop there and wander through the selection, which ranged from ash trays to cement garden sculptures, with some Fiestaware and American flags thrown in—rarely making a purchase.

Of course, it’s “in” Hollywood, and that’s pretty much gone, too.

And all that happened before they rerouted the highway away from both of them….