Fringe over velvet
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
All day I felt a quiet anticipation. New neighbors’ threw a party! What fun!
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
All day I felt a quiet anticipation. New neighbors’ threw a party! What fun!
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Atlanta’s streetcars began to operate today! Ride free for three months!
The one we rode was as packed as the trams in Rome, happily with quite a cross-section of Atlanta’s urban population.
Monday, 29 December 2014
My new dietary obsession fascination is a sauce/spread of roasted red peppers and walnuts, thickened with bread crumbs, and flavored with, well, that part varies. One of the consistent additions is “pomegranate molasses,” which is pomegranate juice with sugar and lemon juice, reduced by about half. I use pomegranate concentrate plus the others…. Another consistent addition is some hot pepper kick, like flakes. From there, and proportions, seem to reflect regional variations, what’s available, and cook’s choice. At least so it seems from this node on the giant online recipe highway.
The name I’ve seen for this wondrous paste is consistent: muhamarra. The pronunciation seems to vary, though, with the final consonant sound sometimes pronounced “d.”
* for a while….
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Are those thyme or strawberry leaves?
I thought I had something to say, but, pfft…out the window? into the mist? Just…with the Xmas leftovers?
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Outside an…IKEA, of all places….
If summer and the shoulder seasons are the time of the flower-photo, this part of the year is when I find seed-heads and branch-silhouettes compelling. And, with today’s sunshine, I did enjoy this clump of grasses, especially the curves in the tips.
Friday, 26 December 2014
It’s winter-time here on Boxing Day (kinda). In the shade this morning, we found thick frost on the antenna base and roof of the car.
Of course, after the sun got higher, all turned to water or evaporated, pfft! Nice day.
* That is, not pumpkin….
Thursday, 25 December 2014
We (meaning JCB) went…modernist…with our “tree” using the newspaper box of a long-gone Columbus (OH) publication as a stand-in for the living version. Presents? Of course, wrapped in….
So happy to host family here for a meal that worked better in my planning than in my prep—thanks, everyone, for all your help getting it on the table. Super thanks to JCB for almost unending cleanup.
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Worked on a list (not terribly long) of stray items fitting the topic “getting ready.”
Then, at a separate venue, merriment ensued.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Out there today, we saw no geese on the road or in the air, but myriad vehicles of many shapes and sizes. We got home safely, and only saw two accidents in a 25 mile round trip shopping expedition.
Monday, 22 December 2014
It took all day for the grey-overcast to yield to rain (we last saw sunshine on…FRIday!). We persevered around two “red” traffic jams, and triumphed.
And, no, pool ≠ home.