
Projects: one done; one to-do

Gloves apple tree

We—meaning mostly The Guru—did some chainsaw woodwork, the kind where a half-fallen tree got converted into a brush pile and some firewood. I’m sad that it was the sour cherry and about to bloom. Had to go, though. Have to admit that the birds always got most of the fruit…they are clever, fast beasties.

Rhubarb leaf ettes

I can report that the rhubarb survived another winter of inattention. Except for the deer, who made a trail right through two of the plants with their sharp hoofies. Protection has been added in the form of branches and tents of hardware cloth. Hope to clear out the grass before we go…weather, are you listening?, permitting.

Ramps cluster

Yesterday, I went out for a walk and found sunshine and ramps (Allium tricoccum).

Snow ice balls

Today, I found overcast as I stepped out the door, and a minute later, heard small noises on the leaves…white stuff…not rain. It quit within fifteen minutes. Still.

Now, the wood heater is keeping us warm, and I’m hoping for fine solar gain tomorrow.

Lookee there

Warm day

Lookee there: warm enough for a sleeveless top! Got up to 82°F on the porch, combo of solar gain and wood stove….

Sandhill in orchard

Lookee there: sandhill in the orchard!

High water

Lookee there: high, high, high water! Bad for the shoreline!

I wanna crawl

Lookee there: “I wanna crawl!” “And doncha love my hat!”

High water

Husband funny

All my luck: I find the Best Category, and, gee, it’s empty. No “husband funny birthday” cards for me to choose from!

High water pond snow

And over in reality-land, rotten snowbanks survive along the margins of the frog-pond in a ghost-town that has a gas-convenience store where we get a copy of the weekly newspaper and important odds-and-ends (but no Dunkers on this day).

We are safe and warm in our northern outpost, all systems online—yay! And the rodent body count/evidence—almost zero! Yay!

Light watching

Light vs sky

That is, watching the light. Not watching a mediocre TV comedy.

Light on Frida

Later, the skies cleared, and I found the light on Frida. Who is sitting on a special fly-tying table. With a gorgeous walnut top. On the table.

Night light

Finally: night light. Really: dusk light. Later we drove into the night. Long day as I awoke at 4:38am (canna tell?). Yawn. G’night.

Step function (?)

Trumpet flowers

Today was one of those days I was busy, but at the same time didn’t feel I was getting things done. Now, I look back, and hmm, I did get things done!

Fingers crossed

Basil and

Having already demonstrated that The Foot is a functional gardening appendage, I did more, mostly removing unpruned azaleas. Also got soil amendment mixed in around the quince and lavender, here with added basil plants—both regular Genovese and Thai. Watered everything in, and hope all will settle in and produce!

Hit 83°F yesterday, and only a mere 82°F today. Yup, AC is on upstairs in self-defense (skylight accelerates the solar gain!), although night will be cool-ish.

Cheap or free*

Rosa blanca blooms

Let’s mix it up and begin with today’s flower: rosa blanca. And her rosa-blanca friends.

Believe tree

I believe this sign. I do not believe this tree. Looks darned deceased to me. Too bad.

Last week fixing

Last week up the way there was sub-surface utility fixing going on. Interesting that they ran out of metal road plates; the one on the left is a double layer of plywood with a rope loop to control it.

Today street fixing

Today, the subsurface work extended across the median—more plywood. And the clever fixit crews’ machinery effectively blocked the route of the garbage trucks, so our street remains lined with unemptied herbie-kerbies. Somehow the recycling truck made it through—I suspect running earlier than the garbage-vehicle. [I predict the tree on the left dies within a decade. Unfortunately.]

Oh, my, don’t we live in an ongoing play!

* This refers to a sign we saw in NC the other day at a roadside firewood place. Write your own play reflecting the phrase. Extra points for using “political economy” in the dialogue.


Valley view

Valley view. Alternatively: split-rail fence view.

Barn view

Barn view.

Root view

Root view. Note high water draining away after that storm that ended two days ago here.

Long view

Long view. And smokey-like. And bluish.

Today, back in time

Lily on Easter

Lily posing on Easter. On our dinner table.

Trees leafing out mtns

We got outta town and drove into the mountains…where spring is a couple of weeks behind ATL.

Reflected clouds

And major rain over the last three days made rushing streams and puddles to reflect the blue sky.

Pink dogwood many petals

The azaleas and dogwoods are in their prime here. Thank you latitude and longitude magic.

Infrastructure above

Assertive infrastructure above.