Ginger, gingerly
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Turns out that balancing on the Boot and two crutches on a slope and bending over makes it rather difficult to focus my iPhone camera app.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Turns out that balancing on the Boot and two crutches on a slope and bending over makes it rather difficult to focus my iPhone camera app.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Trunks of a crepe myrtle. Yesterday—the metric day before.
Turns out National Metric Week is the week with 10/10 in it, and today is 10/10 (by our current calendar). I can’t say I feel especially metric.
Monday, 9 October 2017
We went out for a wander around in-town neighborhoods…despite the drippy drizzle we’re still experiencing from the TS Nate system. Down a dead-end road we found a wee park with autumn color…goldenrod, red berries of some kind (not the noshing kind), and purple flowers (asters?).
I spotted this dragon from afar…let’s go over there, I said to the Guru-driver. And next to the dragon, blue shapes…which I studied until they became shark-parts. And off to the left, um?, a stylized pirate ship, sinking to join the partial sharks?
I’m a-learning the current creature-associations with the October-end holiday…used to be ghostly and potentially dangerous human-spirits somehow linked to the harvest-time, now it’s pirate ships and colorful sea-dragons? And huge black spiders…not pictured. AKA cultural evolution….
Sunday, 8 October 2017
My sweetie brought me treats from the bakery. Fruited cheesecake and a chocolate cake/vanilla mousse(?) layered tower.
Saturday, 7 October 2017
Yeah, this is an over-backlit photo, but it’s Good Hope General…not hospital but store. I thought the name would be a good omen when I picked it for us for this night…the rain from outer bands of TS/H Nate are supposed to be here before midnight….
Thanks, Sweetie!
Friday, 6 October 2017
We took the fast road getting out of BigTown, then hit the back roads for some scenic, on our afternoon jaunt to LittleTown aka Athens.
After the cotton field of red clay, we visited this covered bridge, notable for not having steel reinforcement beams underneath it, yet still carrying traffic. It does, however, have a steel (aka “tin”) roof.
This is the Town lattice truss style of construction, and the pegs holding the beams/planks together are formally called trunnels. [Auto-correct wants that to be tunnels…which is #NOTright.] The bridge was moved here from another location in 1924, and I don’t know if the planks were numbered then or later….
In LittleTown, we saw family and had some good laughs, ate pizza, and commiserated about this #growinOLDstuff, creak-ouch.
Thursday, 5 October 2017
I have a new exercise gadget…. This plastic plate has a small dome on the bottom, so it’s tippy. The idea is to make controlled rotational movements, keeping the foot evenly applying pressure to the top, including the toes. I have pretty good ankle rotation—for now—and this will help me improve it. For now, I do the rotations sitting down. In the way-future, I will stand on this tippy platter, when my balance is MUCH better.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
No connection between a pumpkin stem and my news-of-the-day…except perhaps if you consider that pumpkins keep pretty well, and this one probably was picked weeks ago…
My news is that I had my first (official) PT #physicaltherapy appointment. Mike said my foot looked pretty good for the surgery I had, and that this Lisfranc injury is a tough one to come back from—possible, but slow. Which I knew.
The exercises he gave me for “homework” focus on flexibility in the forefoot (stretching arch) and toes, plus a bit more rotation in the ankle…. Can do! I do at least three sets per day, as what works is slow and steady. Avoid pain. Gentle pressure is the best, then rest, then repeat.
Mike also told me to use the crutches for support while I kinda-walk wearing The Boot. This works pretty darned well, which tickles me. It is much easier than using the crutches and keeping the damaged foot held high.
The possible connection is that my foot has staying power, too! I know: lame! hahahahaha Okay, skip the pumpkin and know that the PT situation is a…step forward.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Several of the small towns we went through on our #Sundaydrive already had Halloween decorations up…. This benighted gal is opposite the courthouse square on Main Street in Jasper.
Monday, 2 October 2017
Several months after we got the Prius Prime, I noticed these green leaves, which look like teardrops from a distance, on the dash-map in an irregular pattern.
John…, I hollered.
Turns out the car’s algorithms noticed that we stop repeatedly at certain locations. The leaf indicates that it will switch into a heightened form of regenerative breaking at those spots, if we brake there again. This means it gets a tad more juice into the battery at those momentum-breaking interludes.
If I have it right.