

Precip view

We did have a reasonably clear view of the mountains—for about fifteen minutes! Then they resumed being socked in, and we’ve had rain, spitty moisture, and variations in between.

And traffic (if we venture out!). Mega-traffic.

However, we are Midwesterners (in origin), and we are tough, and we are fine!

Busy, busy (no bees)

Jocks jills

Today was a blur. At one point I got new feet…meaning shoes. I tried to take a “squared-up” shot of this, but found it impossible. Was I aiready tired at 12:30?

Spiny red spheres

Those blossoms fall off and become squishy, and will compact in shoe-treads. I’m keeping my new soles away from under this shrub, so as to avoid collecting compost.

Matsutake sliced

The day wound up with a cheese board, including snuck-in French (what other kind is there, though?) unpasteurized camembert, a side of sautéed matsutake mushrooms (mmmmm), and home-made pizzas. And wine-socializing.

Busy day, and lovely. Also, there was a musical in there somewhere….

Feeling better

That mountain view

My strange knee pain that seemed to arise about when I began to use Steed flared overnight/this morning…found out it’s the genicular nerve, probably overstimulated. When you are houseguests of an MD, a diagnosis and prescription are relatively easy to obtain…. I am now sporting lidocaine patches on my “hot spots.” The game plan is to get the nerve to calm down, then proceed.

I did get a short walk in before the sun came out. Love this view of the sound and the Olympics.

New, all aboard

Pilot zone

Wow, I get to see through the specially fortified door(way) to the pilot area!*

Feet display

And at my seat, foot elevated of course, I discover that texting (really IMing) is free, courtesy of Delta. Yay!

* And the protocol on a pilot exiting the cockpit while inflight begins with a call to the head flight attendant. Then, the flight attendants in the front block the entrance from the cabin with a drink cart and turn their attention to cabin activity, highly scrutinized. Then, they call the pilot to exit, and s/he closes the door after exiting the cockpit. Does biz, then calls the remaining pilot from the flight-attendant phone to coordinate reentry, then opens the door to return. You get the idea…many well-executed safety steps….

TwoShoes report

Fern frond tip

From the other day….

I’ve been working my new exercises, which focus on front of foot and ankle strength—and walking…that was an assignment, too. Today I didn’t walk outside other than errands, no “walk,” but I was on my feet a bunch, almost every hour. That’s a change for me. Slow increments of improvement….


Ginger bloom cluster

Yeah, I’ve been choosing a bunch of ginger photos lately, but they smell captivating and look pretty interesting….

PT guy ramped it up today and convinced me to shift from Boot to shoe. Last week, it was shoe inside and Boot outside. Shoe wasn’t terribly comfortable, so I didn’t do it much.

What a difference a week can make! Foot/leg stronger, gait better, and foot slightly more tolerant of being encased in shoe (Boot is looser on toes/foot), so I left PT WEARING TWO SHOES, and walking reasonably steadily.

My new normal?

We stopped for a grocery errand, and I tolerated about 15 minutes in the store, before heading for the car to put my foot up, letting The Guru check out. Then I did some cooking…planning to celebrate tonight with first glass of wine since IT happened in mid-July, and a big pot of ragù bolognese…oh yum!…scenting the house…I am salivating!

More evidence of a quantum…leap?😀…toward normal?

Evidence of gravity working

Owl drops

I’ve been noticing these marks the last few days, and the owl observed on Sunday and heard periodically in the lantern hours (pretty sure it’s the same one) flew to right above here…so…owl evidence.

The other evidence is that these leaves are all tulip poplar leaves, so we can surmise that it’s their time to fall.

If that’s not enough, I did a long walk (for me) and a shortish walk, and also perambulated down the street to Book Club (and back)…and the (generous) fitness device is reporting 6K steps. Victory! [Ankle tired, however—not surprisingly. I took all outdoor walks with the walking poles.]

Boot-scooting with style

Veggie vines

We got out for a walk! So encouraging to admit that! As a result, here’s the obligatory vegetation image.

Steppin out

And here’s my current “stepping out” configuration. I use walking poles to keep good form during my gait (as suggested by Genius Carolyn). And good form is of paramount importance in my best recovery.

Trio for Sunday

Gravity vines

We went for a wee walk this morning, and I thought maybe I’d capture a vegetation picture for this space…

Fleur pair

…or maybe autumn fleurs.

Barred owl

Then, in the afternoon, the sharp-eyed Guru noticed a big bird swoop into the back yard…and got out the big lens…and gave me this super barred owl shot that I am passing along. Crappy light, yet lovely feather patterns, ¿no?

Flavored meringue: yummy, but…

Family dog sign

We went to the bakery/deli next door to this sign and the bar it advertises looking for an apple pie. Think it’s a good name for a bar…with the tag line.

Meringue apple pie

They were out of the standard version, so we got this one, with meringue flavored with caramel and sea salt. Interesting, we agreed after tasting it. Interesting, as in not likely to get it again…too much flavor, perhaps, competing with the appleness, although the flavored meringue was tasty, really. See? Not truly unhappy, just…well, the typical upper crust, lattice, or streusel would have been superior.